Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Practical ideas for the garden

With the desire that you had reached the proper time to make the most of your garden, now you can not miss the opportunity to equip you with everything you need to ensure a vacation like royalty without leaving home.

However, it is also true that summer is a time to enjoy and this is why it is best to avoid having to always be aware of the maintenance of this space.

In this sense, it is best to seek practical elements and tools that require no more attention than necessary on our part. Take some of these ideas, and spend as you can for your store and uses the space from today!

1. Select materials that require visually aesthetic but little maintenance: Soil easily washable with water, wood flooring, synthetic grass flooring, resin furniture, etc….

2. Flavoring, add color to brighten the space and environment: The plants are a must in the garden, but we can not let your care we always bring copies of head. Choose seasonal or perennial plants in your garden can be maintained throughout the years. Another option is artificial plants for the garden.

3. Think of the irrigation systems more effective to your needs and characteristics of your garden.

4. The distribution of the different areas is very important, so do not hesitate to make some sketches of your idea before you start decorating: Although smaller gardens integrate all spaces in one, the biggest is advisable to separate assembly area (type dining room or living room) and rest area (sun loungers by the pool, for example).

5. The fabrics you use in space must be prepared to support the different climates and temporary. In this regard, fabrics nautical borne moisture and sunlight are ideal.

6. In the pool we must also think of those products that make life easier: Robot pool cleaner, chlorine tablets for the maintenance of water or saline water treatment plant (which require less time).

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